
Move from great to High Performing

Organisations are looking for a better way to lead

We coach leaders to create high performing organisations through our coaching programs, enabling human centric supported change for successful people and successful business outcomes.

We know how complicated change can be.  So we keep it simple, using a common sense approach that’s focused on your people.

Learn and develop throughout the program

High Performance Program: Core

Our foundational program developed to coach leadership teams on the principles of high performance.

Delivered via twelve monthly 90 minute workshops, we coach your leadership how to be the owners of change across your organisation.  These real world, no fluff workshops will show you a new way to develop current and future leaders – preparing them to tackle our complex and rapidly changing world


Behavioural change is challenging. It requires tackling numerous complex tasks, actions, and shifting attitudes all while considering the unique attributes of both individuals and the broader organisation. As a leader, you must be equipped with a deep understanding of how to effectively enable behavioural change.

In this session we show you how to enable that change by effectively transferring and teaching skills that will foster a high performing organisation


Building a high performing and motivated organisation involves three key components: The leader, the environment and the individual.

In this session we’ll discuss all three components and guide you on achieving alignment between your staff and your organisation whilst maintaining consistency in your leadership during times of change.

High Performing Teams

The primary challenge in forming high performing teams is assembling individuals with diverse, yet complementary strengths. We call this reflective competence – identifying your strengths and weaknesses, then finding those who have the strengths you lack.

In this session we explore the leader’s role in fostering a culture shift within teams – looking to each other’s strengths whilst acknowledging where you can improve. We also look at the important role of recruitment.

Purpose and Values

Simply showing up, ticking off a to do list and receiving a pay check are no longer enough for today’s employees. Believing in and contributing to an organisation’s purpose and values, are high on the list of reasons why people choose to join – and stay – with a company.

In this session we’ll begin the journey of understanding and aligning your employees’ purpose and values with those of your organisation’s.

Powerful Communication

Establishing a structured approach to communication is crucial at all times as a leader, but it’s especially important during times of change.

In this session we introduce you to proven Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) communication techniques to enhance your effectiveness as a communicator. We’ll help you understand the diverse preferences individuals have when receiving communication, in order to increase your success in making the cultural shift your organisation needs.

Discipline and Time Management

Highly effective individuals are adept at managing their time efficiently and effectively. They also hold themselves to account through a well developed discipline muscle.

In this session we take you through our straightforward methodology and help you develop a robust approach to discipline and time management. Using this approach will empower you to achieve high performance not just in the workplace, but in your personal life as well.

Enterprise Execution

Integrating each of BREWYD’s methodologies is how you will drive scalable change. Using the knowledge you’ve gained up to this point, we’ll start to show you how.

In this session we’ll guide you through consolidating each of the components to define success for you and your organisation. We’ll look at stakeholder management, clear communication strategies and how you can leverage your new skills to evaluate and leverage existing programs to drive improvement.


Behaviours, including actions and attitudes, directly influence the outcomes we see. So when different outcomes are needed, a shift in behaviour is necessary.

In this session we get you datafit, starting with simple measures upon which you can expand. We examine your current behavioural analytics, then align select key metrics to avoid excessive measurement and get you clear on indicators. We’ll then map your organisation’s current state to your desired future state.

Recruiting for High Performance

Clarity in recruitment needs a clear understanding of the essential skills and traits required for a role, whilst complementing the existing skills within your team.

In this session we look at your recruitment team, focusing on the recruitment processes and common weaknesses. We show you how questions reveal insights beyond the words you hear, how to map traits common across your team and how to uncover those traits in how you question you candidates.

Leadership Programs

Many leadership development programs fall short of expectations, they lack structure and consistency and overlook the importance of identifying talent based on achievements and characteristics. They’re treated as a one-time event rather than an ongoing process and leadership is viewed through a narrow lens.

In this session we show you how to design your future leadership programs, highlighting essential components for success as well as exploring optional enhancements to drive even more benefits.

Aligning Priorities and Initiatives

Corporate success is often viewed through increased profits, revenue growth, risk mitigation and improved customer satisfaction. Our government agencies have the added priority of citizen welfare. However, aligning strategies with these overarching goals can be challenging for any organisation.

In this session we focus on mapping team, business unit and enterprise programs to these strategies. We then look at prioritising program execution, assigning roles effectively, proactively addressing issues and proposing solutions.

Defining the Future State

Continual improvement stems from having a clear purpose and dedicating time for reflection and analysis.

In our final session, we work with you on a structured outline for reflection. Celebrating successes and pinpointing areas for continued progress are vital throughout your change program and are the primary outcomes of this module. We’ll help you to identify areas for future enhancement and focus that will sustain you on your high performance journey.

Build your foundation of health knowledge

High Performance Program: Health and Wellness

Being a BREWYD client is not just about your business, importantly it’s also about you and the people that matter to you.  Through our programs we’re impacting organisations and changing lives as people learn about the science driving them.

We know the incredible impact health has on your performance.  It impacts the people you work with, your family and your friends.  To support high performance change across your broader organisation, all of your staff will have access to monthly webinars that are tailored to your organisation.  

BREWYD’s world renowned coaches, currently working with our elite level athletes will be working with your organisation too.

Time Management and Discipline

With so many competing priorities it’s easy for health to drop on your list of priorities.

In this session we help you understand that you can only give your best when you feel your best. And that required you to make health your number one priority. Sometimes easier said than done, so we’ll also help you identify what you find motivating so that sticking to your goals is enjoyable.


Modern lifestyles have significantly reduced our activity levels.  They’ve reduced our load bearing capacity which has changed our posture and lead to increased pain, fatigue, injuries and illness across our communities.

This session isn’t about lifting big to get big.  It’s about the vital role strength training plays in your overall health and how it can restore your posture and overall functionality for improved wellness.

Cardio and Fitness

Increasing rates of change in organisations require people to adapt quickly and employees sacrifice their health to keep pace. These demanding jobs contribute to increased cortisol levels, leading to mental health challenges across organisations.

In this session we discuss the clear link between fitness levels, energy and mood. We show you how bodies are designed to expend cortisol through fast, explosive movement and the positive improvement doing this can make to your overall health.


A busy life can often lead to reaching for foods of convenience. Loaded with salt, sugar, fats and preservatives they offer little sustainable nutritional value.

We get busy, we skip meals and the cycle of craving those unhealthy foods continues.

With much misinformation in the nutrition space, it’s hard to know where to start.

In this session we help you filter through the noise and show you there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition.


You’re always on. Always contactable. Surrounded by bright lights. Drinking coffee to keep stimulated. Thinking about all of the things we haven’t done and still need to do.

And when it’s time to sleep, it doesn’t come easily.

Resting in modern life is rarely a consideration and when it’s not prioritised it becomes much harder to restore our bodies.

In this session we help you understand the importance of balance and recovery, giving yourself permission to rest and recover.


When thinking of your wellbeing, it’s unlikely you’ve considered the impact your breath is having.

By focusing on how you breathe you can help reduce stress, enhance clarity and focus, improve sleep and see anxiety and stress trending in the right direction – down.

In this session we show you how to take control of your breath and learn how to use it as a tool in all aspects of your life.


Sleep is one of the foundations for overall health and wellbeing, playing a vital role in various aspects of physical and mental health. It’s also too often overlooked because of our fast paced lifestyles.

In this session we’ll take you through the many benefits of achieving adequate, good quality sleep. We’ll discuss improved cognitive function, mood regulation, improved metabolic and cardiovascular health, reduced stress levels and improvements in hormonal balance.

Flexibility and Mobility

Flexibility and mobility are essential components of overall health and wellbeing. Incorporating exercises and practices that improve flexibility and mobility into your routine can improve: Joint Health, Muscle Function, Posture and Alignment, Range of Motion, Injury Prevention, Functional Movement, Stress Reduction, Aging Gracefully.

Social and Community

Improving social and community connections can have significant positive impacts on health. Key social and community benefits that contribute to better health include: Social Support, Coping Mechanisms, Reduced Isolation, Healthier Lifestyles, Accountability, Mental Health Benefits, Enhanced Resilience, Shared Resources, Cultural and Diversity Appreciation, Longevity, Sense of Purpose, and Stress Reduction.


Your environment plays a crucial role in influencing your health and wellness.  Things like the lighting in your office, the level of noise and distraction, can you get into open green space easily?  What about your home?  Each of these considerations can have an effect on your physical, mental and emotional health.

In this session we’re going to discuss how a positive environment contributes to physical, mental and social health, as well as your safety and security.


Epigenetics is the study of how our lifestyle choices and habits can influence the expression of our genes.  Your genetic make-up does not equal your destiny, therefore understanding what modifications and choices you can make in your daily life to improve your health outcomes, can have a profound impact.

In this session we’ll discuss the improvement of health outcomes, reductions of chronic or predisposed disease and how to age gracefully.

Advanced Nutrition

Building on our earlier nutrition session, we continue to dive deeper into the specifics of optimal nutrition for increased performance in the office and at home.

In this session we’ll go into detail across a range of topics and expand your knowledge so you can consider the impact of each for your unique situation.  We’ll discuss ideal nutrient intake, energy balance, disease prevention, gut health, inflammation, mental health, hormonal balance and longevity.

Health Indicators

With all of this knowledge about physical and mental health, how do you know you’re on the right path?

Previously we focused on health indicators like the Body Mass Index (BMI) but we know our bodies are much more complex than this one number.

In this session we help you to understand the many health indicators available to track your path to wellness. We’ll show you which key metrics to use to know you’re on the right path.

Add on some extras when you need them

Throughout the different stages of your program, you may require additional support and engagement from the BREWYD team.  If it’s a sales kick off you’re running, a team building day, a key initiative that requires some clarity, we have the following options avaialble:

1:1 Coaching Call/ Expert Enquiry


Keynote Presentation



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